- Disney World
- Disneyland
- Tylenol
- GI Joes
- Barbie Dolls
- Israel
- Keith Richards
- Charles Ellis Schumer
- Clarence Thomas
- Elizabeth Ann Warren
- Alaska
- Hawaii
- Casablanca
- "Under God" in the Pledge
- Trinity (nuclear test)
- Jaws
- Star Wars
- Walkman
- Personal Computer
- Computer mouse
- Internet
- Color TV
- Bill Clinton
- Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin
- Alfred Charles Sharpton Jr.
- John Glover Roberts Jr.
- The Moon landing
- Marco Antonio Rubio
- Jo Jorgensen
- Randal Howard Paul
- Robert Francis "Beto" O'Rourke
- Lee Hsien Loong
- Cara Carleton "Carly" Fiorina
- Stephen Clark Bullock
- Bill de Blasio
- Ted Cruz
- Xi Jinping
- Samuel Anthony Alito Jr.
- Benjamin Solomon Carson Sr.
- Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg
- Stephen Joseph Scalise
- Donald Trump
- Emmanuel Macron
- Justin Trudeau
- Barack Obama
- Sonia Maria Sotomayor
- Elena Kagan
- Neil McGill Gorsuch
- Brett Michael Kavanaugh
- Amy Vivian Coney Barrett
- Andrew Yang
- Justin Amash
- Tulsi Gabbard
- Twenty-second Amendment to the United States Constitution
- Twenty-third Amendment to the United States Constitution
- Twenty-fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution
- Twenty-fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution
- Twenty-sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution
- Twenty-seventh Amendment to the United States Constitution
- Joshua David Hawley
- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
- Ilhan Abdullahi Omar
- David Madison Cawthorn
- Thomas Jonathan Ossoff
*List in no particular order
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